Maelir AB Becomes Viking Line’s Largest Individual Owner
On Wednesday 19 June, Maelir AB acquired just over 17.1% of Viking Line Abp.
Maelir AB is a private holding company based in Stockholm. It is active in real estate, hospitality and shipping.
After the transaction, Maelir’s ownership in Viking Line amounts to 17.75%. From now on Maelir is Viking Line’s largest individual owner.
Sellers include the companies Ab Rafael and Rafael Investering Ab.
Rafael Mattsson co-founded Rederiaktiebolaget Vikinglinjen, which later became Viking Line Abp. He was also the founder of the company which today constitutes both Ab Rafael and Rafael Investing Ab. For a long time, he was board member of Viking Line, and CEO ad interim when co-founder Gunnar Eklund retired.