April 28, 2023
January-March 2023 (EUR million)
- Sales EUR 93.9m (58.8m)
- Other operating revenue EUR 8.8m (6.0m)
- Operating income EUR -0.9m(EUR -18.1m)
- Net financial items EUR -3.5m (EUR -2.2m)
- Income before taxes EUR -4.4m (EUR -20.3m)
- Income after taxes EUR -3.7m (EUR -16.2m)
“Provided that energy prices remain at current levels and taking into account that capital gains are expected to be lower than in 2022, it is Viking Line’s view that income before taxes will be somewhat lower than last year, which is the same conclusion as in our last report period.”
- Pax 888,725 (521,537)
- Market share pax 35.4% (32.0%)
- Cargo units 33,736 (29,033)
- Market share cargo 17.5% (14.5%)
- Market share passenger cars 26.8% (25.1%)