November 14, 2019

Q3 in brief:
- Q3 EBITDA on level with 2018 despite UK slowdown. This slowdown in trade between UK and continental Europe continued through Q3 and lowered freight volumes on the North Sea ferry routes and passenger volumes on the Channel.
- Logistics Division increased EBITDA 15% in Q3 as contract logistics in UK & Ireland and other activities across the division performed well despite of the UK slowdown.
- The Channel freight market share was increased in Q3.
- Mediterranean’s revenue growth continued but earnings were held back by a rise in costs due to operational challenges. A simplified route and port terminal structure was introduced in Mediterranean at the start of Q4.
+2.0% Revenue DKK 4.5bn
-0.2% EBITDA DKK 1.2bn
+4.0% Profit before tax DKK 647m
Outlook 2019
Due to the ongoing European slowdown, expected revenue growth is now around 6% (previously: 6-8%). To reflect a reduced risk of a no-deal Brexit occurring in 2019, the outlook range for EBITDA before special items is narrowed to DKK 3.55-3.75bn (previously: DKK 3.5-3.8bn).