November 8, 2018

Tallink Grupp has announced its unaudited financial results for Q3 and first nine months of 2018.
+1.2% passengers (2.9 million passengers)
+0.3% revenue (EUR 283.6 million)
-3.6% unaudited net profit (EUR 46.1 million)
- number of passengers travelling, and the number of cargo units transported increased in all the geographical segments, however:
- higher fuel costs
- decreased charter revenues two Superfast ferries have led to the slightly reduced profit compared to the same period in 2017.
Unaudited 9-month interim statement
+0.9% passengers (7.5 million passengers)
-7.9% net profit (EUR 41.8 million)
-1.5% unaudited revenue (EUR 723.2 million)
- June and July highest numbers of passengers ever for these months
- Largest number of passengers on the Estonia-Finland routes.
- Largest number of cargo units on the Estonia-Finland routes
- The greatest increases in both passengers and cargo units transported, has taken place on the Latvia-Sweden route.
- Significantly increased fuel prices
- Lower charter revenues
- Strong competition
- Longer than planned docking of one of the vessels in Q1