By | 2020 Newsletter week 27 | No Comments

FRS Buys Catamaran For The New ‘Königslinie’

In April Stena Line announced the end of the ferry service between Sassnitz and Trelleborg.

FRS has now announced it will reopen the so-called Königslinie (*) in September.

FRS has agreed with Fjord Line to acquire its HSC FJORD CAT. It will operate for Fjord Line until August 23. One month later, FRS will start its new operation.

Instead of Trelleborg, FRS will sail to Ystad.

Crossing time will be 2h30, allowing for two return trips per day.

Bookings can be made from July onwards via the website www.koenigslinjen.com(*) Köningslinie or King’s Line: the name originates from the German emperor and Swedish king who attended the festive route opening ceremony in 1897.

A-Ships Management’s GOLDEN BRIDGE charter to FRS expired

By | 2020 Newsletter week 1 & 2 | No Comments

After a six-month period, FRS has decided not to extent the charter of the A-SHIPS Management’s GOLDEN BRIDGE.

The ship will soon return back to Greece. She will be temporarily replaced by Transmediterranean’s VRONSKIY on the Motril – Melilla line.

The Japanese-build vessel was chartered to FRS Iberia on April 2019 and entered service on the Motril – Melilla run on June 2019, after having completed successfully all the proper inspections.

FRS To Make The Melilla – Motril Crossing Faster With New Vessel

By | 2019 Newsletter week 11 | No Comments

Förde Reederei Seetouristik will introduce a faster and higher capacity vessel to the Melilla – Motril route.

The ro-pax ferry GOLDEN BRIDGE will start operations on the line next May.

This former Japanese ferry can make the Melilla – Motril crossing in 5 hours, meaning a reduction by 2 hours on the current crossing time.

She has a capacity for 1,500 pax and 500 cars.

Until last year this ferry was used between Korea and China, until she was acquired by A-Ship Management.

She is currently being refurbished in Perama.


By | 2018 Newsletter week 22 | No Comments

FRS Will Add More Routes To Its Spanish Portfolio

FRS increases its Spanish routes with the operation of the Motril-Melilla and Huelva-Canary Islands lines. This will start in July.

Until now these ferry lines have been operated by Naviera ARMAS. As already announced in last week’s newsletter the change was a condition from the anti monopoly commission. Armas had to give up some routes to be allowed to acquire Trasmediterranea.

FRS will charter the Armas-owned ro-pax ferries VOLCAN DE TAUCE for Motril – Melilla. © Naviera Armas

VOLCAN DE TEIDE will be used by FRS for the link between Huelva and the Canary Islands. © Naviera Armas