FRIJSENBORG has been renamed STENA FORWARDER, confirming earlier rumours. The vessel is about to leave Port of Ostend on October 21, after having been alongside since several weeks. Destination unknown so far.
Sistership WEDELLSBORG is rumoured to be sold for approximately EUR 35 million to a new joint venture between the two Italian shipping companies Grendi Trasporti Marittimi and Finaval.
The ship, constructed by Cantiere Navale Visentini and owned by Visemar Levante, is bareboat chartered to Weco Italy (formerly Nordana) until next March when it will be delivered to the next owner.
Shipping company Finaval has been actively involved for many years in the liquid bulk business.
Grendi Trasporti Marittimi, a company part of Gruppo Grendi, as of today covers a regular maritime link between Italy-mainland (Marina di Carrara) and the Sardinia Island (Cagliari and Olbia) with a pair of time-chartered vessels.