Moby: new ferry routes to Corsica

By | 2024 Newsletter week 23 | No Comments

Moby has expanded its ferry services to Corsica with new and enhanced routes, catering to the growing demand from travellers. The additions include two new lines: Genoa-Ajaccio-Porto Torres and Piombino-Bastia.

The Genoa-Ajaccio-Porto Torres route will operate from June to September, with two services per week in June and three in July, August, and September. This new service is designed to provide a more convenient connection, allowing passengers to save travel time and enjoy their holidays in Ajaccio.

The Piombino-Bastia route, the fastest connection between the mainland and Corsica, will run two rotations per week on Saturdays and Sundays during July and August.

In addition to the new routes, Moby is strengthening its existing services. The Livorno-Bastia line sees increased frequency since Easter until November, with daily departures. The Genoa-Bastia route is strengthened from mid-May to the end of September, offering up to two trips per day.

These expansions reflect Moby’s commitment to enhancing accessibility to Corsica, complementing its historic routes: Genoa-Bastia, Livorno-Bastia, and Santa Teresa di Gallura-Bonifacio.

Monthly figures Corsica

By | 2024 Newsletter week 13 | No Comments

ORTC (Corsica Transport Office) published the monthly traffic statistics.

January February
Passengers Airport 158,010 (+7.4%) 144,841 (+2.1%)
Passengers Ferry 86,610 (+4.4%) 75,316 (-13.1%)
Passenger Cars 36,251 (+0.7%) 32,310 (-10.7%)
Freight (tons) 147,392 (+4.8%) 162,615 (+26.2%)

The monthly reports can be downloaded here (in French)

Sicilian Region finally orders the long-awaited ferry

By | 2023 Newsletter week 41 | No Comments

A new ferry, fully owned by the Sicilian Region and entirely “made in Sicily” will provide service to Lampedusa and Pantelleria.

  • The new vessel will be built entirely in the Fincantieri Palermo shipyard.
  • The delivery of the vessel is scheduled for 2026.
  • It will operate on routes between Sicily and the islands of Lampedusa and Pantelleria.
  • LOA
  • GT 14,500.
  • 19 knots.
  • 1,000 people – 200 cars.
  • Dual fuel engines, MDO –
  • A photovoltaic system, along with energy storage in a battery pack, will allow the vessel to remain in port with zero emissions for approximately four hours.

DFDS September Volumes: Freight 2% Lower, Passengers 9% Higher

By | 2023 Newsletter week 41 | No Comments

Ferry – freight:

  • Total volumes in September 2023 were 1.9% below 2022.
  • North Sea volumes were slightly below 2022 as firm automotive volumes were offset by mainly lower volumes between Sweden and the UK.
  • Mediterranean’s growth trend improved in September as volumes were back on level with 2022.
  • Channel volumes were also on level with 2022.
  • Baltic Sea volumes were below 2022 due to lower demand from both the continuing impact of the war in Ukraine and a decline in the transport of construction materials.
  • For the last twelve months 2023-22, the total transported freight lane metres decreased 10.5% to 38.6m from 43.1m in 2022-21. The decrease was 4.4% adjusted for Channel.

Ferry – passenger:

  • The number of passengers increased 9.4% driven by primarily more Channel passengers.
  • The number of cars increased 0.6%.
  • The total number of passengers increased 37% to 4.5m for the last twelve months, 2023-22, from 3.2m in 2022-21.

Moby announced two new routes between mainland Italy and Corsica (and Sardinia)

By | 2023 Newsletter week 41 | No Comments

1) Genoa – Ajaccio (Corsica) – Porto Torres (Northwestern point of Sardinia)

The extension of the line to Porto Torres will further increase interchange between Sardinia and Corsica, both from a tourist and a commercial point of view. This bridge between Corsica and Sardinia will be added to the connection that Moby already ensures all year round with the Bonifacio – Santa Teresa di Gallura.

2) Piombino – Bastia: fastest of all the mainland lines to Corsica.

New for this route will be the livery of the ships that will serve the island, with the Moor’s head symbol of the French island and other typical Corsican elements.

Does Corsica need subsidies for the ferry services?

By | 2022 Newsletter week 5 | No Comments

“The current Maritime Public Service Delegation (DSP) between Corsica and Marseille expires on December 31, 2022. The European Commission’s questioning of the very existence of the public service principle puts a sword of Damocles on the territorial continuity,” writes Corse Net Infos in a long article in French, quoting several political stakeholders (but not the ferry operators).

Some interesting elements, quotes, remarks of the debate:

  • Brussels does not see the need to subsidize a service which could very well be provided by private companies. Compensation is against the rules of the market and free competition.
  • Why is what is granted to other regions, such as Croatia or Greece, becoming problematic for Corsica?
  • A decision needs to be taken soon, because the new (multi-year) DSP should start on 1 January 2023.
  • Why only having Marseille as continental port? Toulon, Nice or even Livorno are closer to Corsica. Less fuel. Better utilization of ships.
  • The need to resolve the “painful legacy of the past”.
  • What sense does it make to have ‘market tests’ if the market is changing? (which it does)
  • Corsica, today, imports 90 to 95% from France. We want a system where Corsica is economically connected with Tuscany, Sardinia and Catalonia.

Victory For Corsica Ferries, At Last

By | 2021 Newsletter week 8 | No Comments

The Administrative Court of Appeal of Marseille condemns the Territorial Collectivity of Corsica to pay Corsica Ferries France the sum of €86.3 million in compensation for the damage it suffered as a result of the illegal subsidy provided by the Collectivity to SNCM.

This subsidy was given for the ferry service provided by SNCM and CMN between the Port of Marseille and Corsica, in the period between July 2007 and December 2013.

On top of the payments for the public service contract, the alliance SNCM/CMN received 40 million per year for the so-called additional service for the transport of passengers during peak periods.

The European Commission considered in 2013, that the financial compensation paid by

Corsica under this additional service were incompatible with the freedom of competition in the internal market. In 2014 the Commission ordered the refund of this illegal subsidy.

After endless legal fights, Corsica Ferries has finally obtained a favourable decision.


By | 2020 Newsletter week 39 | No Comments

No Corsican Regional Ferry Company before 2025

A Corsican public-private partnership (SEMop) ferry company was supposed to be created on 1 January 2021, to provide the ferry services between Marseille and the five ports of Corsica.

This new approach was due to replace the actual public service delegation (PSD) system.

SEMop would have as shareholders the Corsican Community (50.1%) and private operator(s) (49.9%), for a duration of seven years.

Only one private operator showed up: the alliance Corsica Linea – La Méridionale.

The idea of creating a SEMop is being abandoned. Why?

  • The shipowners’ group was asking EUR 776 million for 7 years. Too much says Corsica, who offered EUR 570 million.
  • The coronavirus outbreak has a substantial impact on traffic. The offer presented by Corsica Linea – La Mériodionale is no longer in line with the real needs.

What now? Probably the solution will be to extend the actual PSD one year… or more.