ESPO Proposes a Two-Step Approach on the New EU Transport Strategy
ESPO believes that in the absence of any insight on the duration and impact of the current crisis, it is, at this moment, impossible to set the ground for a long-term EU Transport Strategy.
ESPO proposes a two-step approach:
1) Europe’s first priority must now be to develop a restart and recovery plan which helps to overcome this crisis. It should develop the measures and instruments for Europe’s recovery to put the European economy and society back on track as soon as possible, while guaranteeing this happens in a safe way.
2) In a second phase, when the “new normal” sets in, the discussion should start on a new Transport Strategy, which will set the long-term goals, ambitions and initiatives for the European transport sector. The Strategy should integrate the consequences of and lessons learned from this crisis and should build on the new post-crisis reality.
ESPO and its members are happy to start the reflection with all stakeholders and EU decision makers in view of formulating clear answers to all these questions and setting the ground for a truly forward looking sustainable, connected, efficient and resilient transport system.