Moby and Tirrenia CIN Merger Set to Take Shape in the Coming Months

By | 2025 Newsletter week 09 | No Comments

Moby Group’s top management has confirmed to labour unions that the long-planned merger of Compagnia Italiana di Navigazione (CIN) into Moby is progressing and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

CIN, the vehicle company that owns the Tirrenia brand and assets, was established when the Onorato family acquired the former public ferry operator in 2012. A reverse merger was originally planned as part of the company’s restructuring, but it is only now taking shape.

The process may lead to the dismissal of around 30 administrative staff members.

Previously, CIN filed for restructuring at the Court of Milan alongside Moby. However, both companies are now financially stable. Once the merger is finalised, CIN and Tirrenia will cease to exist, leaving Moby—51% owned by the Onorato family and 49% by Aponte’s MSC—as the sole entity in the market. Moby will own and operate the fleet of ferries and tugs serving Italy’s short-sea market.

No further vessel sales or demolitions are planned in the coming months.

GNV and Tirrenia Cin Sumbitted Offers for Maritime Continuity between Genoa and Porto Torres

By | 2021 Newsletter week 34 | No Comments

Grandi Navi Veloci and Compagnia Italiana di Navigazione (Moby’s subsidiary operating as Tirrenia) are the two ferry companies which applied for the maritime continuity during the low season between the ports of Genoa and Porto Torres, in Sardinia.

Invitalia, the public body which launched the tender for the Italian transport ministry, last June excluded this same two companies which now applied again for this tender which is worth EUR 25.8 million for the period 2021 – 2026.

The selected company will have to cover the route Genoa – Porto Torres from October to May with daily maritime services.

Ro-pax units to be deployed on this line must be aged up to 20 years, with 750 passengers and 1,000 lane meters capacity.

Grimaldi Group will be active on the same routes with no public subsidies.


By | 2021 Newsletter week 22 | No Comments

Latest News From The Maritime Continuity In Italy

Regarding the public tender launched for the subsidized Genova – Porto Torres link, both Tirrenia CIN and GNV had been excluded by the Italian transport ministry, while Grimaldi appealed to the Regional Administrative Court in Rome contesting some aspects of the procedure.

The tender will have to be relaunched, but the Onorato-controlled group has just announced that they (Moby and Tirrenia CIN) will operate the same line for the whole year with no need for public money.

On June 1, Grimaldi Euromed officially started the new Naples – Cagliari – Palermo link with ropax CORFU. This follows a public tender for the maritime continuity where Grimaldi Group emerged as the only interested player.

For Grimaldi Group this is the first line calling the port of Naples, in the city where the company is headquartered.

(CORFU completed her last sailing on Igoumenitsa – Ancona on May 30).

On the route Naples – Cagliari Moby – Cin will also be active with a new regular ro-ro cargo line.

Moby-Tirrenia Moving RoRo Tonnage To The Italy-Sardinia Routes

By | 2021 Newsletter week 10 | No Comments

Tirrenia Cin has positioned some of its most modern and high-capacity roro vessels on the routes linking Italy mainland with the ports of Olbia and Cagliari (Sardinia).

As from this week (week 10, 2021) the ships MARIA GRAZIA ONORATO, ALF POLLAK, ELIANA MARINO and GIUSEPPE LUCCHESI are all deployed on the lines connecting Cagliari, Olbia, Livorno and Genova.

This reshuffle was possible after closing the maritime links Ravenna – Brindisi – Catania and Genova – Livorno – Catania – Malta.

Tirrenia Cin redelivered MASSIMO MURA and Grendi charters-in WEDELLSBORG

By | 2021 Newsletter week 2 | No Comments

Tirrenia Cin has redelivered the roro MASSIMO MURA which has been operated in bare boat charter from CLdN for the last four years.

There was a purchase option which has not been exercised.

The vessel is currently moored in Catania waiting for instructions.

In this same week, Grendi Trasporti Marittimi also confirmed that the CLdN roro unit SEVERINE will be redelivered next week after a 12-month charter.

She will be replaced by WEDELLSBORG, to be deployed  on the Sardinia (Cagliari and Porto Torres) and Tuscany (Marina di Carrara) link.

Tirrenia Cin Announced the Close-Down of Five RoPax Lines from December 1st

By | 2020 Newsletter week 48 | No Comments

Compagnia Italiana di Navigazione, the company part of Moby group which controls the former public ferry company Tirrenia, announced that five ropax lines will be closed down from December 1st.

The reason behind this decision is the postponement of the expiring date of the public convention for the maritime continuity with the islands which was approved by law last summer but not formalized yet by the Italian government.

The five lines set to be closed are the following:

  • Termoli – Tremiti islands
  • Genoa – Olbia – Arbatax
  • Naples – Cagliari
  • Cagliari – Palermo
  • Civitavecchia – Arbatax – Cagliari.

Tirrenia Cin also said that large part of the workforce aboard and onshore is at risk.

Public Subsidies’ Extension to Tirrenia Cin Limited to February 28, 2021

By | 2020 Newsletter week 30 | No Comments

The ‘Decreto Rilancio’ law, which was approved by the Italian parliament a few days ago, decreases the time for the extension of the public subsidies, from 18 July 2021 to 28 February 2021.

It concerns the public subsidies of yearly EUR 72 million, were granted to Tirrenia Cin for the maritime continuity with the main islands (Sardinia, Sicily and Tremiti).

The public concession should have expired on last July 18, but due (also) to the coronavirus the term had necessarily to be postponed.

Two of the competitors on the routes, Grimaldi and Grendi, said they would oppose this postponement at the Antitrust authorities both in Italy and in Europe.

The extension agreed by the Decreto Rilancio law is anyway subject to the approval from the European Commission.

Grendi Ready To Take Tirrenia Cin’s Extended Subsidies To Court

By | 2020 Newsletter week 21 | No Comments

The decision by the Italian government to potentially extend the EUR 72 million of subsidies to Compagnia Italiana di Navigazione (part of Moby group) until 31 July 2021, but probably even beyond, was not appreciated by several ro-ro and ferry operators in Italy.

One of them Antonio Musso, CEO of Grendi Trasporti Marittimi, said to the local media Port News: “The 12-month extension of the subsidies to Tirrenia-Cin is nonsense and devastating for the economic equilibrium of the maritime transport market between Italy mainland and Sardinia”. He added: “Today the essential links to and from the major islands are guaranteed by several private operators on all the routes. I hope that the European Commission will intervene on the subject, otherwise we will do it: there are enough elements to oppose a contribution that clearly distorts competition”. Thus, Grendi seems to be ready to take the case to the Italian Antitrust Authority or to the Administrative Regional Court of Lazio.

Generally speaking, also Emanuele Grimaldi recently said he would react to any form of public support to unhealthy ferry companies, which may distort competition.

Public Subsidies For Tirrenia Cin To Be Extended At Least Until July 2021

By | 2020 Newsletter week 20 | No Comments

The next ‘Decreto Rilancio’ law expected to be approved by the Italian government this week will extend the public subsidies to Tirrenia – CIN (Compagnia Italiana di Navigazione) for a maximum of 12 months, from the end of the current general state of emergency which expires on July 31.

In case the emergency will be prolonged, the expiring date of the public subsidies follows.

According to the agreement signed in 2012 (when Moby purchased the former public company Tirrenia trough CIN), the subsidies should end on July 18. (EUR 72 million per year)

Now the Italian government allocated another EUR 30.2 million and 42.4 million for 2020 and 2021 respectively, subject to approval of the European Commission.

CIN, company of the Moby group, did not pay the first and the second deferred payments, expired in April 2016 and 2019, and worth respectively EUR 55 and 60 million. Therefore the ‘bad’ company Tirrenia in Amministrazione Straordinaria, controlled by the Italian economic development ministry, is still looking for a solution. According to some rumours (and not denied) by, the Italian government is considering a ‘rescue plan’ similar to the one planned for the national airlines Alitalia in the recent past. In case, a new company, in which the State participates, and in partnership with one or more private investors would take control of Tirrenia’s assets and pay EUR 180 million to the bad company. One of them might be Grimaldi Group.

Italy Launched Public Tenders to Charter Ro-Pax Units for Transporting and Accommodating Migrants

By | 2020 Newsletter week 17 | No Comments

The Italian transport ministry published an announcement inviting ferry companies to propose ro-pax units capable of hosting aboard migrants set to be quarantined upon arrival off the Italian coasts from North Africa. Last week Tirrenia-CIN’s ferry RAFFAELE RUBATTINO was already used to accommodate some 180 migrants saved from two NGO vessels (ALAN KURDI and AITA MARI).

The expressions of interest invitation is set to expire on next Friday April 24, at midnight, and ro-pax units proposed (either Italy or Eu-flagged) must have capacity enough to accommodate 250 migrants to be hosted in single cabins (except families). The garage must have instead at least 300 lane metres capacity. The value of the contract is EUR 1.2 million per month.

The Prefecture of Agrigento also launched another public tender, set to expire on Friday April 24 at 9 AM, in order to find ferry companies interested at serving a potential maritime transport service of migrant s from Lampedusa to Sicily (Porto Empedocle). In this case a ferry with at least a 50-passenger capacity is requested.