Italy’s transport ministry announced to have launched a public consultation on passenger and freight transport services to and from the main islands (Sardinia, Sicily and Tremiti) for the definition of public service requirements. The notice is addressed to consumer, cargo user, business associations and stakeholders in general.
“This Ministry is in the process of investigating the conditions necessary to ensure the territorial continuity service relating to the service of transport of passengers and goods with the major and minor islands and to define any measures to be taken” is written in statement from the ministry.
“It’s necessary to proceed to consult the main associations and representative bodies of companies operating in the logistics and freight transport sectors, in order to directly acquire indications, observations and proposals in the context of the investigation aimed at ensuring the best possible organization of the services in question, taking into account all the interests involved” it’s also reported. The deadline for submitting comments is June 25.
Public subsidies granted to Tirrenia – Compagnia Italiana di Navigazione (Onorato Armatori group) should expire on next July 18, but the Italian government recently decided to extend them for a maximum of 12 months.