Molslinjen highlights that August 2024 was a successful month for ferry traffic, thanks to the pleasant late summer weather, which encouraged more Danes to travel by ferry.
The Öresund line, connecting Helsingborg and Helsingør, saw a nearly 7% increase in passengers compared to August 2023. The newly introduced restaurant, Libitum Social Dining, aboard TYCHO BRAHE, also attracted many visitors, contributing to the overall rise in passenger numbers.
There are three fast ferries sailing on the Kattegat, one less than in 2023, when the fast ferry MAX was also exceptionally included in the sailing plans. In spite of 129 fewer departures in August, there was an increase of 4% in passengers.
While the number of business customers is fairly stable, it is the leisure travellers who have driven the progress in August.
The exception is Alslinjen, where a redevelopment of the harbour in Fynshav has meant the deployment of a somewhat smaller ferry than usual.