Port of Zeebrugge 2019: 14.2% Growth
This 14.2% growth is the result of advancement in all important sectors in the port of Zeebrugge: roro, liquid natural gas, containers and new vehicles.
The roro traffic rises 3.7% to a total volume of nearly 16.5 million tonnes.
Growth: Ireland (+6.3%), Spain (+153.1%), thanks to great results on the Santander connection by Cobelfret and the scaling-up of the Finnlines connection to Bilbao. Deepsea roro also rises (13.9%).
The roro traffic with destination UK decreases with -2.5% and Scandinavia roro cargo also drops -2.7 percent. The year 2019 was marked with many Brexit deadlines. A shift of cargo to the Ireland destinations and a Brexit effect can explain the loss in UK roro loads. The reshuffling of services to Gothenburg have led to a small loss on this destination.