August 13, 2020

News from our Sponsor Adonis: SeaDream Implements Adonis

After a lengthy selection and review process, SeaDream Yacht Club, the Norwegian cruise line is now installing Adonis’ market leading HR and payroll platform.

SeaDream is operating cruises in the western Norwegian fjords this summer (instead of the Mediterranean).  This means that the ships are easily accessible and the implementation project will be completed much quicker.

“Even though we currently only have two ships in operation, there is an urgent requirement to migrate to a new personnel administration solution. The opportunities presented by Adonis’ Self-Service module are significant and the value of this aspect will only increase as we roll it out through the company. The efficiencies this will bring will enable us to make significant time and cost savings for years to come,” says Jannik Madsen, Director Maritime Personnel Manager at SeaDream’s head office in Oslo.