Boreal is the fourth largest public transport operator in Norway. It has been owned by several funds:
2011-2018 Cube Infrastructure Fund (Luxemburg)
2018-2021 Everbright Overseas Infrastructure Investment Fund (China)
2022 (no later than end of January): Vauban Infrastructure Partners (France) will acquire Boreal Holding AS.
Vauban is a company affiliated with Natixis Investment Managers, and has a long-term strategy for sustainable infrastructure investments.
Vauban manages around € 6 billion and has invested in over 60 companies in mobility, energy conversion and social and digital infrastructure across 10 different areas.
Boreal continues the work on the green shift with full force, and currently has 10 emission-free vessels and 55 emission-free buses under construction.
Vauban will help Boreal to achieve its ambition for further growth in the mobility sector.