The Administrative Court of Appeal of Marseille condemns the Territorial Collectivity of Corsica to pay Corsica Ferries France the sum of €86.3 million in compensation for the damage it suffered as a result of the illegal subsidy provided by the Collectivity to SNCM.
This subsidy was given for the ferry service provided by SNCM and CMN between the Port of Marseille and Corsica, in the period between July 2007 and December 2013.
On top of the payments for the public service contract, the alliance SNCM/CMN received 40 million per year for the so-called additional service for the transport of passengers during peak periods.
The European Commission considered in 2013, that the financial compensation paid by
Corsica under this additional service were incompatible with the freedom of competition in the internal market. In 2014 the Commission ordered the refund of this illegal subsidy.
After endless legal fights, Corsica Ferries has finally obtained a favourable decision.