Port Of Zeebrugge Accelerates Innovation By Investing In 5G Network
Port of Zeebrugge is to invest in a superfast critical communication network. 5G is the key technology that will be revolutionary, especially for industrial uses. The private 5G network in the Port of Zeebrugge will be the accelerator for innovation in and around the port.
In the first phase, the data network will be used for connectivity with tugboats, air pollution detectors, camera’s and quay sensors. For the new sea lock, which is to be constructed in the near future, the high-bandwidth and low-latency connectivity will prove to be an asset.
5G will be deployed at port companies for dispatching, connectivity with straddle carriers, track and trace systems and critical group communication.
Phase one, which will be operational by the end of this year, sets course for the use of the 5G network in Zeebrugge’s outer port. The second phase will include the inner port and will be implemented mid 2020.