Brittany Ferries and Ports de Normandie Launch Ambitious Rail Project

By | 2020 Newsletter week 8 | No Comments

Brittany Ferries is going to become a rail operator too. The idea is to launch a freight train connecting Bayonne, close to the Spanish border, and Cherbourg. From there on, freight can be transferred to ferries, bound for Ireland or the UK.

Brittany Ferries has several strategic reasons:

  • Enhancing productivity by reducing the number of semi-tractors, creating more space for the trailer and thus augmenting the percentage of non-accompanied freight.
  • Anticipating emission regulations by offering a service with a better environmental performance.
  • Consolidation of its market position on the long routes to Spain and the British Isles.

Ports de Normandie has an ambitious strategy too:

  • Making the ports ready for larger ferries
  • Increasing its hinterland.
  • Giving logistic answers to Brexit
  • Creating multimodal services, as an alternative for or complimentary to road tarnsport
  • Helping to make transport greener.

Brittany Ferries will finance the new rail terminal in Bayonne and a fleet of LOHR railway wagons. The LOHR railway wagon has been lowered and articulated and as a result allows for fast and safe transfer of semitrailers.