Attica Group consolidates for the first time Hellenic Seaways in the financial statements for the period 1.6.2018-31.12.2018.
Key figures in million €
+34,56% Revenue consolidated 365.4 (271.54)
-4.28% EBITDA 57 (59.55)
++ Income after tax and minority interests 17.11 (1.25)
· The total debt of the Group stood, as at 31st December 2018, at € 346.08mln (€ 238.73mln as at 31st December, 2017) of which long-term borrowings are € 274.50mln (€ 214.43mln) while short-term borrowings stood at € 71.58mln (€ 24.30mln).
· The Group’s total equity as at 31st December, 2018 stood at € 409.18mln, corresponding to € 1.90 per share.
· Completion of refinancing of large part of the group’s debt with significantly lower cost financial results.
· The lower EBITDA margin in 2018 is attributed mainly to the significant increase in fuel price and to the integration cost of Hellenic Seaways Maritime S.A. («HSW»).