Levante Ferries’ Smyrna Transformation In Full Swing

Levante Ferries’ SMYRNA is being converted into a high-quality car ferry.
The bridge wings are almost closed. Her stern superstructure is changing in order to host new ramps for passengers and the upper garage. The interior is being redone too.
After the conversion, the Norwegian-built former Unity Line train ferry is expected to be introduced on the Thessaloniki-Izmir run. Smyrna is the old Greek name for Izmir.
The conversion is done under the responsibility of Kopoukis naval architects.
Dutch Customs Authorities in the Port of Rotterdam have granted C.RO Ports with the status of Authorised Economic Operator, both for Customs and Security. The award acknowledges the company’s constant effort in maintaining the highest standards in safety and process transparency, and recognizes the trust relationship between the terminal operator and the Customs Authorities.