Port of Antwerp Bruges’ quarterly figures reflect resilience

May 24, 2024

The total cargo throughput of Port of Antwerp-Bruges amounted to 70.4 million tonnes in the first quarter of this year, a rise of 2.4% compared to the same period last year. In an ongoing complex geopolitical and macroeconomic context, this performance, driven by a return to growth in container throughput, underscores the port’s resilience.

Roll-on/roll-off traffic decreased by 6.9%.

The ongoing congestion at RoRo terminals resulted in a decrease in throughput of all transport equipment (-9%). This is mainly due to lower throughput of used cars (-52.5%), as well as high & heavy (-25%), trucks (-23.9%) and new cars (-5.5%).

Throughput of unaccompanied cargo (excluding containers) carried on RoRo vessels grew by 1.7%. The decline in throughput to and from the United Kingdom (-4.4%) was offset by an increase in throughput to and from Spain and Portugal (+31.5%), Ireland (+6.4%) and Scandinavia (+13.5%).

Read the full report by clicking on the graph.