Moby Enters Bunkering And Automotive Logistics Business, While Selling Ro-Ro HARTMUT PUSCHMANN
In 2019 Moby will enter a pair of new business segments, different from the usual maritime transport of cars and passengers.
In a letter sent to the employees at the end of December, the chief executive officer Achille Onorato (photo) revealed that the group will soon be active in the field of bunkering and in the automotive logistics.
“This year we have invested in terminal operators, shipping agencies and we are going to do the same also in the bunkering business” Onorato revealed in his letter, further adding: “In a very short period of time we are going to offer bunker services. We at Moby should all keep in mind that the price of the fuel is the main enemy in our business”.
Furthermore, the CEO also added that the company he heads “is to enter a new business segment represented by automotive logistics” not giving more details.
Some sources familiar with the matter say that Moby recently recruited a person from the ‘Civitavecchia port workers company’ specifically skilled in new vehicle handling activity ashore.
Last but not least, the former president of the Sardinia region, Mauro Pili, publicly informed that Moby have sold the ro-ro vessel HARTMUT PUSCHMANN to the Polish company Unity Line for €17m. The Milan-based group denied this rumour while several ship brokers defined the news as “very likely”.