Gotlandsbolaget Quarterly report January-March 2024

May 24, 2024
  • Revenue and Costs: Revenue for Q1 2024 was 384.9 MSEK, up from 362.9 MSEK in Q1 2023. Costs were 419.6 MSEK, a slight decrease from 425.8 MSEK last year.
  • Adjusted Operating Result: The adjusted operating result was -66.7 MSEK, compared to -62.9 MSEK last year, impacted by costs from the new cruise initiative.
  • Significant Events:
    • A bid was submitted for Gotlandstrafiken 2027-2035.
    • The first cruise of M/S Birka Gotland took place in March.
    • A partnership was formed to develop a high-speed catamaran.
  • Future Focus: Emphasis on expanding passenger shipping, real estate, and energy developments.

Source: Gotlandsbolaget (in Swedish)