Eckerö: Passenger record in March, quarter affected by dockings

May 3, 2024

First quarter of Rederi AB Eckerö in a nutshell:

  • In January, both Finlandia and Eckerö docked at the shipyard in Landskrona. Between 8 January and 7 February Finlandia was out of service, while Eckerö was out of service 8 -29 January.
  • 1,120 departures (-13%)
  • 473,325 passengers (-11%) On average, slightly more passengers travelled per departure than in the corresponding period last year. The lower total number of passengers in the first quarter is attributed to the dockings in January and February, while record numbers travelled on both routes in March.
  • 39,759 freight units (-6%).
  • The previously agreed sale of Shipper was completed on 22 January.
  • -8% Turnover MEUR 36,3
  • Operating result was -4,3 MEUR (-5,4 MEUR). Adjusted for the sale of Shipper the operating result was -7.5 MEUR (-5.4 MEUR).
  • Result for the financial year was EUR -4.0 million (EUR -5.6 million).
  • Source in Swedish.