The port authority of Ancona announced that its managing committee approved some changes through which the quays number 19, 20 and 21 of the south pier will be dedicated to ro-ro and ro-pax traffic. In the past this quay, which is 420 metres long and with a 21,400m2 yard, hosted grain silos and bulk carriers.
In the future, this part of the port of Ancona will also be dedicated to extra-Schengen links operated with mid-size ferries.
All the ro-pax linkspans will therefore be moved to the new area during the year, while the current terminal will go on receiving ferries during the peaks in the summer season.
The port of Ancona is regularly called by Minoan, Adria Ferries, Snav, Jadrolinija, Anek Lines and Superfast Ferries.