November 25, 2021

Vehicle traffic returned to the ferry system in record numbers this summer with pent up demand from the domestic market for seasonal holidays and recreational travel once Provincial Health Officer COVID-19 travel restrictions were lifted.

In the three months ended September 30, 2021, BC Ferries carried:

+28% p ax 7.0 million (but -9% compared to the same period in 2019)

+20% vehicles 3.0 million vehicles (+3% compared to the same period in 2019)

New fare choices, including advance purchase Saver fares, were launched on the three Metro Vancouver – Vancouver Island routes late in fiscal 2021. These new fare choices contributed to increased vehicle traffic on traditionally lower utilized sailings, less sailing waits overall, and enabled BC Ferries to safely carry higher overall levels of vehicle traffic than in previous summer seasons.


+111% Net earnings $79.9 million (37.8)

+28% RevenueIn December 2020, BC Ferries received $308 million through the Safe Restart Program, a federal-provincial initiative intended to help provinces and territories safely restart their economies. The goals of the federal-provincial Safe Restart Program are to mitigate the impact of revenue losses and COVID-19-related spending, to help restore the level of annual earnings required to maintain service levels, and to keep fare increases to affordable levels through March 31, 2024.