- Revenues increased to SEK 2,337 million from SEK 2,011 million
- Operating profit decreased to SEK 124 million from SEK 142 million
- Profit after financial items decreased to SEK 150 million from SEK 159 million
- The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 8.20 per share (SEK 8.00)
This year’s revenues have increased in line with the demand for travel. The number of passengers in Gotland traffic has increased by 487,601 passengers, which is plus 40 percent compared with the previous year.
The decline in earnings is largely due to a very weak product tanker market with a significant loss during the year for Gotland Tankers AB, which also accelerated during the last four-month period.
Demand for travel to Gotland has increased after the government and the authorities eased the restrictions that were in force during the corona pandemic.