Publication: 21st edition of the Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO) 2023

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The 21st edition of the Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO) 2023 report has been published. Here is a summary of the parts concerning RoRo traffic: 

  • RoRo Traffic Overview (2023): RoRo traffic at Republic of Ireland (ROI) ports decreased by 2%, totaling 1.17 million units. Dublin saw a 4% decline, while Rosslare grew by 9%, achieving a record 204,693 units. 
  • ROI-GB Routes: Experienced a 2% decline, with Dublin and Rosslare both showing decreases. The shift away from the UK Landbridge remains consistent post-Brexit. 
  • ROI-EU Routes: Fell by 2% overall, with Dublin seeing a 9% decline, but Rosslare continued growth due to a service shift from Cork, marking another record year. 
  • Market Shares: Dublin’s market share declined slightly, while Rosslare’s share of ROI-EU traffic increased, reflecting the ongoing shift in trade routes post-Brexit. 
  • The trend between accompanied and unaccompanied RoRo cargo remained stable. Accompanied RoRo traffic, typically involving shorter routes like those to Great Britain, saw a slight decrease, particularly on ROI-GB routes. Unaccompanied RoRo traffic, often used for longer EU routes, maintained its post-Brexit growth trajectory, especially through ports like Rosslare, which saw an increase in direct EU traffic. The shift away from the UK Landbridge continues to influence these patterns, with unaccompanied cargo becoming more prominent on direct EU routes. 

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