Record-breaking summer for Scandlines

By 6 September 20242024 Newsletter week 36
September 6, 2024
  • Scandlines experienced a record-breaking summer in 2024, transporting 2.7 million passengers and 728,000 cars between Germany and Denmark. 
  • Passenger numbers increased from 2.6 million in 2023 to 2.7 million in 2024. 
  • The number of cars transported also rose, from 716,509 in 2023 to 727,978 in 2024. 
  • The busiest weekend for passengers was 19-21 July, with 146,209 passengers, while the busiest weekend for cars was 26-28 July, with 40,235 cars. 
  • Scandlines introduced a dynamic ticketing system offering lower prices for early bookings or less busy times, enhancing ferry capacity utilisation and competitiveness. 
  • A new app and licence plate scanners were launched to improve ticket booking and check-in processes. 
  • Frequent departures were offered, with crossings every half hour on the Puttgarden-Rødby route and every two hours on the Rostock-Gedser route. 
  • Passengers were more flexible in their return journeys, often travelling at various times throughout the day and night. 
  • In July 2024, Scandlines also transported 3,003 buses. 

Photo: Horst-Dieter Foerster/Scandlines