November 3, 2022

- A new company called Ragusa Xpress seems to be ready to start sailing on Malta – Sicily.
- Local media report that the Maltese entrepreneur Paul Gauci, after purchasing the small touristic port of Ragusa from Tecnis, is now working at opening a new fast ferry line operated with the high-speed craft SAN GIORGIO.
- SAN GIORGIO is the former SAN GWANN which was sold by Virtu ferries to FSR eight years ago.
- While Ragusa Xpress may be a new player on the market, Ponte Ferries seems to be sailing in troubled waters since it has been hit by two arrest warrant concerning its only vessel, the HSC Artemis. Valletta Cruise Port and Focal Maritime Services Ltd shipping agency are claiming respectively some EUR 200,000 and EUR 110,000 in unpaid bills.
- Ponte Ferries operated the new passenger ferry service between Malta and Augusta in Sicily but stopped operations last September after some complaints as well as over problems with the authorities in both Malta and Sicily.