April 14, 2022

On Friday, April 8th, the EU extended sanctions against Russian companies. GTLK, the owner of the leasing company in Hong Kong that has financed HAVILA CAPELLA, is among the sanctioned companies.

Havila Voyages assumes that the sanctions will prevent GTLK from carrying out the financing of the three remaining vessels being built at the Tersan shipyard in Turkey.

“We support sanctions against Russia in this dire situation the world is in and are now working to refinance HAVILA CAPELLA to break all ties with sanctioned and Russian-owned companies”, says CEO Bent Martini at Havila Voyages.

“Havila Capella is the only one of our ships that is financed and leased from GTLK. The remaining ships are owned by the Tersan shipyard until we take delivery of them”.

HAVILA CAPELLA is awaiting approval from the Norwegian authorities to sail. Il it cannot sail on Thursday April 14, the whole 11-day voyage will be cancelled. This will be decided on Thursday April 14, noon time.