January 6, 2024
In December 2023 AS Tallink Grupp transported:
- +6% passengers 491,222
- -23.9% cargo units 22,514
- -1.7% passenger vehicles 59,577
In the fourth quarter of 2023 (October-December) AS Tallink Grupp transported:
- +3.3% passengers 1,338,921
- -20.7% cargo units 76,198
- -1.5% passenger vehicles 172,972
During the full year 2023, Tallink Grupp transported:
- +4.5% passengers 5,705,600 passengers across all the company’s routes. Passenger numbers increased on the company’s current regular Estonia-Finland and Estonia-Sweden routes compared to 2022 but decreased on the Finland-Sweden routes due to a smaller number of vessels operating.
- +2.6% passenger vehicles 840 881
- -20.9% cargo units 323 990 units
Summary of what Tallink Grupp’s CEO Paavo Nõgene said:
- 2023 has been a year of more slow and steady recovery.
- No sharp increase because some vessels are chartered out.
- Chartering out makes perfect sense from an operational and risk reduction point of view as the markets are not ready yet for increased capacity on our routes.
- Addition of MyStar to the Tallinn-Helsinki route is a success.
Photo: Tallink Shuttle vessel MyStar, photo credit: Marten Merila