Stena Q3 Report

By | 2023 Newsletter week 50 | No Comments

Stena AB and consolidated subsidiaries, condensed consolidated interim report for the nine-month period 1 January – 30 September 2023:

  • Consolidated EBITDA: SEK 10,904 (10,551) million.
  • Consolidated operational EBITDA, excluding net gain on sale of assets and change in fair value of investment properties: SEK 10,902 (9,560) million.
  • Result before taxes: SEK 2,434 (2,418) million.
  • Liquidity position remains healthy. As per 30 september 2023 available liquidity amounted to SEK 25.6 billion.

Ferry Operations

  • Operational EBITDA decreased by SEK 606 million to SEK 3,583 (4,189) million.
  • Travel volumes remain strong partly offset by a softer freight market together with increased costs compared to last year mainly related to increased bunker cost.
  • Freight volumes decreased 3% compared to last year, car volumes decreased 2% compared to last year and passenger volumes increased 1% compared to last year.

RoRo Operations

Operational EBITDA from chartering out Ro-Ro/Pax ferries increased by SEK 212 million to SEK 653 (441) million mainly due to larger fleet in operation compared to the same period last year.


Stena reports in Swedish kronor, which is significantly affected by fluctuations in currency

exchange rates, primarily relative to the U.S. dollar, the British pound and the Euro.


27% in USD, 22% in EUR, 16% in GBP and 23% were generated in SEK.


29% in USD, 19% in EUR, 19% in GBP and 20% were incurred in SEK.